Sooo someone else just walked in my life saying they love me but i know the drill. They give…give….give until they’ve gained my trust. I want to just say yes they love me…but deep down i know they don’t. I am afraid of not being…well you know. Sorry for being an annoying *****. Sorry for alway’s repeating my story.
No ! You can play it on vinyl all night long I wouldn’t be annoyed. Because .. it’s true. Hey…good idea.
You are not annoying. You have nothing to be sorry for. I don’t think I really believe people if they say they love me. I always used to respond with ”Love is need, you don’t love me you need me.” That’s probably not much of a way to live my life. I suppose I need to work on accepting that if some one hurts me it is still possible that they love me. I mean, sometimes we hurt people we love. I usually wait for someone to hurt me then use it as proof to myself that they don’t love me at all. I should probably stop doing that.
I wish i could just stopping loving so easily…i know i say i don’t let anyone in but that is a lie. I just love soooo much and people are constantly taking advantage