When you’re tired, depressed and lazy…
Just think how much more efficient your life could be if you ate only like 1x/week like snakes do? Just think how much less teeth brushing and cleaning up you’ll have to do. And the constant having to go out to get food…
Went out to get food today. Took nearly 3 hours RT from start to finish. Only for it to last a few days and then you’ll have to do it all over again.
Just takes so much time and energy just to get food and feed oneself. It gets tiresome O_o
If you could unhinge your jaw you could experiment with that.
Well I mean if we could eat a lot in one day and thus not have to eat again for days, or not be hungry the next couple of meals, that would be cool. Instead, if we overeat, our bodies will tell us we’re hungry 4 hours later anyway and we eat again.