Class started again today . We went in the clinic to learn X-rays . I literally cannot stand the people there .I usually just work alone . I work best that way anyways.
It’s so hard to think in class when I can only think about how tired I am . I can barley keep my eyes open. I sleep so much so I dont understand why I can’t be awake . This has such an impact on me . I feel like I have the capability to do nothing .
I like to sleep . I imagine that’s what death is like . Black . And it seems so peaceful .
i feel like I have had the life sucked out of me .
“I usually just work alone . I work best that way anyways.” << You just described me right there. I work best when I am alone and that is primarily because I am not the gregarious type. I find interactions emotionally draining. Just don't push yourself too hard …
I was going to say something similar to jadedkeizy. Just yesterday i sort of finished a 4 people assignment in which one of the other 3 did like 1/3 of his part, and another one did 1/10 of his… and i had to do all the rest (which is becoming way too common for my liking). So… yup, some of us just work better alone.
As for the tiredness… cool be plenty of things. Vitamin deficiency, bad eating habits, depression caused tiredness (happens), even a glandular disease (like tyroid problems). Sleeping way too much does cause to feel tired as well so there’s also that. I do hope your days become less exhausting eventually.
I eat like shit honestly . I need to change my
Diet . They’d probably why. I used to love working in groups with intelligent people. But lately I feel like I don’t have a opinion to put in. So I stay alone .
There you have it then. I usually eat pretty crappily, but i do try to compensate with fruits and vegetables, and it does make a difference. Even if i’m tired most of the time (damn you pills) it’s not the “can’t move” tiredness of when i was on almost pure fast food (a few decades have passed since that). Even helps with my overall mood, so… yeah you might consider changing that one a bit (or just adding a couple of healthier things in between).
You do seem pretty smart and thoughtful, so you might have more to add to a group than you think. I mean, i have college mates that are over 30, and i wouldn’t trust them even with the “buy me coffee” part of an assignment. Pretty sure they’d bring me a bag of beans and a grinder.
What year of college are you in ?
Finishing the 1st year in half a month, but i’m studying a second career (already got another one). Most of my mates have another career too (and they’re all 25+), families, other jobs, etc., so i guess that’s why they’re so unreliable/unmotivated.
Shit I keep forgetting you’re around the same age as me . You’re 19 right ? The way you talk just makes it seem like you have an older soul. That’s a good thing though.
Lol, nope. I’m 33 (soon to be 34… damn), you did say at some post once that we were all as old as your parents haha. No prob tho, mentally i’m like 5.