I recently gathered myself together working on a better me but things have been making a comeback pretty bad I think this life just isn’t made for me I don’t think I can take the pressure or pain anymore
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I’m currently in the same position as well. You’re not alone. I’m sorry I can give you much advice but I’m hoping you can continue working to better yourself.
I’ll keep trying too.
*I’m sorry I can’t give you much advice.
Typos T___T
I have a similar situation. I am doing my best to get my life together and make goals and achieve them and somethings are coming around and getting better. But I have other issues that are very painful that seem to stay the same so I get stuck in a rut and then start to think there isnt much hope for me to have a fully happy life. The only thing I can say is that you need to have goals and work towards them. If you need help then try to find the help you need. Also try to find things you enjoy doing to do when you have free time.