If ur bf\gf was in a pych ward would u call them n how many time a day? I called him today but the convo was not great told him i love him n miss him i feel like caling again
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Call him, let him know how much you love him. If I was him I know I’d like that.
I guess I would think it depends on how close you two are, and how much you revealed to one another.
But I would say call him as many times as you want (like up to 3-4) just because he would be in a locked ward with limited things to do. If you can visit him so you can get a better feel. Either way, even if you only call once a day, know that it probably means a lot to him because it shows that you care when he has limited freedoms. I know I appreciated it, even when my friends only called once a week. It showed that they were thinking about me.
He might be having a hard time adjusting so see how it goes a day or two from now. I wish you the best of luck!
Ty for replys i did call hes not want to talk to.me
Its difficult in there. I wouldnt call more than 2 times a day. Once after breakfast and once after dinner. anymore then that is 2 obsessive
when your in there sometimes you dont want to talk to anybody.
I never been there but i just got all negative in my mind and i miss him so much:(
When you are in there you are dealing with a lot and they keep you pretty busy between meetings with doctors, food time, group therapy and so forth. Ive been in those places like 5 or 6 times its not a big picnic. But it is nice to hear from somebody. If I were you next time you call tell him that he can call you anytime. That way he can call you when its convenient for him. Usually in those places you are allowed to call out at certain times of the day. Your a pretty understanding person to be missing him and wanting to connect. I wish I had an understanding girlfriend like you the times I was in there.
If he is in the Psyc ward then he’s in a pretty bad place. Still even if he is in a bad place hearing your voice must make him feel better, even if he doesn’t state it.
I agree with her.