I think the last time I self harmed was last Saturday or Monday I didn’t use a razor this time i used my knife haven’t used it in months it’s a different feeling then using a razor with the knife I’m calm relaxed hands steady but with a razor I’m nervous and hand Shanks but it’s really weird they both give of different pain and feelings of release what other way can u deal with emotional pain ? But in a way I like it I feel I deserve it
Enjoy your pain bro
I can’t fully enjoy it as I can get my razors got a lil release but there’s so much tension inside u one to self harm ?
I self harm too but am trying to quit bc I accidentally sort of got addicted and now it might start being obvious enough for people to notice, which I don’t want to happen…
something that helps if you really need the sensation is like ice cubes or something. honestly I’m still trying to figure out a good alternative, nothing works for me as well as cutting does :/
Fair enough it’s weird iv been thinking to cut more all day but can’t get the it dose take away all the pain and bull shit for a wile but it is addictive iv been slowly getting worst
Pricking my fingertips with a pin helps me. While people are hurting me, I prick myself.
I have a special, pretty pin for this.
Cutting seems so painful! I guess it is not too different from what I do, though.