Just a thought, but does any one else feel the weight of your future, and notice how light it is? Do you feel like whatever lies in front of you will be so minuscule that it’s not really worth fighting for such a small success? I don’t know, call me a whiny ***** but I can’t really get my mind off of it lately. I guess I give off the same vibes as any other depressed, jobless sonofabitch. But I can’t say I blame me, or anyone else for feeling that way. When you get sucked into a state of depression, or are overpowered by your anxiety, you miss out or lose the opportunity to experience things that would otherwise have shaped you to be a better person. Instead you’re introduced to the monsters of reality, quickly and abruptly. You’re basically thrust into a whole other world of misfits and cons, just because you were born with a few mental issues. You’re inherently an outcast because you struggle to shrug away your fears and your feelings. I almost want to say that society is desensitized to emotion, because how else do they waste away their existence paying bills and swimming in massive amounts of debt? I’ll tell you what fellow SP buddies, those people don’t accept you because they can’t possibly fathom the depth of your conscious. That’s a road they never went down, and why would they turn back just to know who we are? They wouldn’t, so don’t ever expect them to walk in your shoes. Here’s some peace of mind in case you needed it. I know you, I hear you, I see you, I feel you. You don’t walk this road alone. We all walk together, because we are the ones who are lost in the dark. All we really need is one light to show us the way, but if none of you guys got matches then we are fucked. That being said, if you ever need some time to vent to someone who just want’s to help out, don’t be afraid to message me. In fact, I’ll just give out my email to make that easier. No I’m not some scum bag scammer trying to fuck up your life. Mines so fucked how could I even afford to buy the cup of coffee to keep me awake trying to learn how to scam to begin with? Fuck it Rory_959@yahoo.com
From another whiny ***** jobless son of a *****? yeah, i feel like that pretty often, but i did use to feel like that long before becoming that (i did have a job, and i wasn’t so whiny, lol), as in, what’s the point of it all, and why so many struggles to such meaningless rewards along the way. My train of thought has changed a bit with my age, but at times i do go back to feel the same things again. So yup, i can relate.
Employers make it seem like the point of it all is to feel like you accomplished something for the day and helped a company stay on top of their game. I guess I’m just the kinda guy who would feel more accomplished if I got to make the company fall into their own shit. I’m more often amused by things that just wouldn’t make sense to the every day citizen. And that’s where the hardship lies, is trying to adapt to a world where the rewards that you get mean nothing because they don’t come even a hair close to following your own idea of a reward. And because I am so inferior in the eyes of society, my voice will never be heard amongst the crowd. I’m glad you can relate, it makes me feel a little less alone with my thoughts.