Don’t you just love it when you’re family, who you’re not with most the day, tell you that “you’re so fat! how much can you eat?! Just stop eating the entire house!” when you’re just making a egg sandwich and its the first thing you’ve eaten for 1 and half days. Now they’re telling me I’m wasteful for leaving a boiled egg in the fridge. why don’t I just don’t eat ever again. why don’t I just not eat anything so I’m never wasteful. How about I just die so I’m wasting any of your time, not wasting space in your house, not doing anything that will effect your lives. I’m sorry that I exist and you can’t get rid of me. So let me do you a favour and I will just kill myself. At least I’m not wasting anything in the process
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Hey Ali, im sorry your going threw that. I have so much family problems too and you think you can confine in them but they just end up being the biggest critics in your life. Just hang in there and have a goal to get out and live on your own. when i come home i just go straight to my room and just come out to get food and eat in my room. I gave up trying to communicate with them, i learned how to tone them out but sometimes its too much and i understand you. You probably dealt with your families criticism for a long time, just continue to hang in their. your strong and everything will get better. just have goals and concentrate on those goals, itll keep your mind busy from bs.