Oh God SP friends I am in a major crisis. I am ready to find anyway I can’t to commit suicide. I have just had it up to my eyeballs with this chronic pain and the bullshit of life. I just want to die. tell me why I shouldn’t do it. I’m so desperate to be done and gone.
I see no reason not too. I’ve got a tank of ******** and will just fall asleep.
Well what if things could get better for you. Would you still want to end it??
I always say… why not try to go on if you can. You will always have time to be dead later on. LOL
Thanks. I’ve been waiting so long I no longer believe things will get better. Three years since a lip biopsy and the nerve pain is getting worse. It’s hard to have a life when eating and talking hurt
I can’t give you too many reasons, because I don’t have too many myself, or I wouldn’t be here. I can only say that we’ll really miss you. And that there’s no telling what relief or what good/great things could be in store for you in the days ahead.
If you do go today, though, I sincerely hope it doesn’t hurt, and I hope you rest easy. It isn’t my or anyone’s business to force you to live against your will.
Whiskered: thank you so much for the encouragement. Unfortunately, I no longer believe things are going to get better. This chronic pain has been with me so long I just don’t think I’m ever going to get my life back. I am probably going to have to look into permanent disability. Just cannot function anymore.
tryingtohope, what The Phantom said is right!
Reasons why not?
We would miss you.
life is a game of challenge.
You can only play this game once.
Thing’s might get better.
There maybe some things you want to see or do.
i have nothing against suicide for the simple fact were going to die anyway, by not committing it your not stopping anything that is a fact, but really this is your only opportunity to think and feel, and it’s only for a short time anyways so i say stick around, and work on doing things you want to do while you can.
Rocketman: thank you. I appreciate that you guys would miss me. It is nice to feel like I belong somewhere. It is nice to be understood. I’m just tired of playing this game. There’s nothing left that I want to do or see. I just want the pain to stop. I just want to sleep forever. But have no fear, I can’t do it yet because I can’t put my mom through that just two months after we lost my dad.
If not for you, for us. Please do us all a favor and follow our advice.
Can you please tell us where you are, at least the country? That way we can give you your local crisis line for you to call and talk to someone RIGHT NOW. Please. If you know that number, call them now.
Then come back here and tell us how you’re doing.
If you’re in the USA, here, call right away:
1 (800) 273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
24 hours, 7 days a week
English, and Spanish
En Español:
Don’t give up and look for alternatives for your medical condition. More often than not, patients themselves come up with solutions doctors themselves did not think of, and that’s because it’s OUR life, not theirs. We’re motivated far beyond what many doctors may be. After all, they have other patients, other treatments, their own lives, etc. Us? We only have US!
So let’s try thinking outside the box, even when you think you’ve done everything… My uncle is a doctor, if you’d like for me to ask a few questions around I can.
Message me via Kik: H4UOK or email at suesyd . nomore at gmail . co m