I’m talking to someone who I know will listen. I just want to get this sick feeling out of my head because once I start my suicide, there will be no turning back. Too bad I lied to him too. Everything I know is a regret. I just don’t know how to shut it off. There isn’t a single bottle in the world that can’t break. I can’t be the one to carry this anymore, I may only have days to live. 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015. This trend has to come to an end because I’m about to break.
Ive been at the breaking point several times in my life and I went off and tried to end my life a few of those times. I wound up hospitalized and then surviving. I hope that doesn’t happen to you.
I hope your able to find a way to deal with the issues in your life and continue on. I hope that you get some help and carry on. If you want to chat, I am here, just let me know
I understand in a way that i really wish i didnt… i think you should email me at sad5ever.27@gmail.com
I’m second guessing wanting to talk to anyone again. I’m afraid I might freeze up and go through a bunch of anxiety like last time.