I’m dipping low again. I thought I had this figured out. Thought the doctors prescribed pesticides were working. Thought I could maybe breathe a little for a change. I was wrong. Tell me where do the hopeless find hope and the worthless find worth? Where do I find some way to accept the darkness that engulfs me? How do I keep fighting for the people I love? The people I desperately want to save from the grief of losing someone to suicide. I just can’t keep fighting this weight that pulls at my heart and anchors me to the lowest place, a true hell on earth. I just want to give up. Everyone thinks I’m better. I thought I was better. People need me. I’m so lost right now. Sorry for the rambling. Sorry for the self pity.
Yes and no. The future hasn’t happened yet. Will it get better? will it get worse? don’t know
We can only accept how we feel and where we are in life and move toward a better tomorrow. We’ll all get to sleep eventually.
You are not alone, i’ve asked those exact questions. Wish i had answers for you.