Recently, I’ve been thinking “tomorrow will be the day I can end it all”, but then tomorrow comes, and I think “eh…next day for sure”. Well, now I have no excuses….tomorrow will have the perfect conditions. The only thing I have to figure out is how the police will find me afterwards….I’m to poor to own a cell phone, and I don’t want innocent bystanders, or my family, to see me in that state. Time to get creative.
you can do this brilliantly thing, it’s a bit risky tho
you go to a Hospital, find a semi busy entrance, you know, not like the ER side so they find you and rush you in and do something stupid like save you
Then you, of course having remembered to fill out your donor card and all, you pin that thing to your chest in triplicate, with a nice notarized 56 page legal document, DNR, last rites, will, another donor card, so on. Express statement that under no circumstances are your brain to be used in scientific study to gain understanding of the condition, that would too big a risk if they learned our secret, so that part is important
finish the document off with the vital part that states, “must be buried in a shallow grave, arse up, as to be used for a bike rack for them to park in”
this way you will welcome death with open arms aware of your heroic contributions to society in your final act
bad jokes aside, dying near a hospital saves some trouble
thought about that thing sticking around a tiny bit more for your mom?
I’m a fan of dark humor, and that “arse up for a bike rack” part made me laugh lol. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but I don’t have the means to make it to a hospital. I figured the best thing for me to do is find a not so busy road, go into the woods, find a sturdy tree, then leave a sign saying “suicide victim here” next to the road. That’s probably what I’m going to end up doing.
Well the longer I wait, the harder it’s going to be for my mom, and the rest of my family…so I might as well get it over with.