well its coming up to 6 weeks since my favourite person in the world died. it was so hard at the start. i still at times dont really believe she has died. anyway it was getting easier, i wasnt crying so much anymore , even seeing her picture or hearing her songs. then yesterday out of the blue it all hit me again. i spent every minute that i was alone yesterday in tears. at work im distracted and its all i can think of.
i havent dealt with grief in my life before to any great extent, so i dont get this.
anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this shit? i dont want to forget her but i cant cope with these feelings.
Awe Soco sorry for your loss…..it’s grief alright what you are going through and it can take a long time to get to a good place with it. I will tell you, you never get over losing someone special, but over time it gets a little easier to deal and cope with. You won’t always feel this sad, there will be times you look at her pictures and smile, but tears will sometimes come too. I lost my dad ten years ago and I still get teary eyed at times. You will always miss her… that doesn’t go away. You will have good days and bad days with it but it’s all normal and part of your process. Everyone’s grief process is different. You just can’t let it consume you and be where you live 24-7. Besides, your friend wouldn’t want that. Cherish the memories and the laughs. That helps you move on from the grief… in time.
You gotta let it out. You can’t bury it.
Forgetting is not necessary. Perspective is.
jadedjewel & seesmith, thank you both.
i feel like i just got really balanced advice. eventhough i am now crying, im also smiling.
so thanks again.x
Glad to.
Glad to be here for ya! 🙂