I can never stick to the plan. Planning my suicide was probably a mistake. I told myself I’ll hang myself after I’ll come back home from a trip which I just did. My parents will be out tomorrow so it seems like a perfect time to do it. But I can’t. I’m a failure. I tried killing myself in the past but I ended up just talking too many pills and passing out. I’m afraid i won’t be able to do it. I suck at everything including suicide.
Calm down. It’s not your time yet. Also hanging yourself is classic but horrible with the tremendous amounts of pain it brings. Also you can never take too many pills. Passed our or not, your body is still working. Not your time yet. Keep fighting! I’ll reward you with a cookie.
Don’t hang yourself because if you don’t do it properly you will die a very slow and painful death. Most of us suck at killing ourselves that why we are still here.. The act of efficiently killing oneself with guaranteed success is extremely difficult. That’s why many are left with brain damage. So, it doesn’t mean you suck. Instead why don’t you tell us why you feel this way?
I know how to do it properly and quick. I wouldn’t decide for this method if i didn’t.
Do you live in a Castle? Because unless you break your neck I guarantee your mom will be home before you die..
You can “choke out” quicker than the movies would have you believe. In WA state if you get in a bar fight and apply a choke hold they will charge you with attempted man slauter. (From all the drunk idiots watching too much UFC)
By quickly removing basis your body falls and your body weight stopped on rope makes your spine break. Plus I’m not gonna do it at home
Actually, we have created an extremely sophisticated society that makes it hard to die. In another 30 years we will have managed to browbeat everyone away from tobacco addiction. In another 200 years dying from any condition will be punishable by a life sentence.
SeeSmith, you alone are worth the price of admission.
Everyone is bad at it, if it were easy 90% of us posting here wouldn’t be around to make these posts. Pesky little biological necessity ingrained into us to survive. Like if you pass out you still breathe but if you pass out and submerge the “mimillian dive reflex” prevents you from breathing so you don’t aspirate water and die.
That’s fascinating. I did not know about the dive reflex.
@Dpt59kasd: saw the links in moderation. Great stuff. Thanks for sharing it. Will delve later.
I tried reading parts of it but none of it really has to do with what you would expect,.. it reads like a PhD paper very dry but intelligently written. It’s more interesting to google him and read about him and what he did. Although there are some very interesting parts to it if you hunt around and skim
I’ll check it out, though.
We’re not allowed to discuss m*thods here, but dying of old age is a fool-proof, time tested m*thod that has taken countless lives and will continue doing so.
You can speed up the process by smoking, eating unhealthy foods, and engaging in risky behaviors like having unprotected sex with prostitutes, driving 120 mph in a snowstorm at night, or becoming an Army Ranger, etc. There are lots of ways to shorten your life expectancy.
Dying isn’t hard, it happens to every one. Living is what’s difficult.
That blows..
I guess you got problems..