I feel like if people stopped saying “committed suicide” and making mental illness a taboo subject, maybe more of us would open up about it more, or maybe even just feel like people don’t think it’s our fault. No one has “committed” suicide since early 1990’s (in the US that is). It is not against the law. I told my mom that I don’t like when people say this, and she says “Well, that’s what it is. What would you call it?” I told her I would like “taking their own life”. This way, it sounds more like we’re the victims and not the criminals. I don’t know. Let me know if this makes any sense to you guys or its just all bullshit.
Self-deliverance doesn’t come rolling of the tongue but seems more like what we are going to accomplish.
I like that
Yes committing suicide is not the proper term anymore, yet people still say it like that. “Taking their own life” is what it should be as it shows that we are victims not perpetrators. However it doesn’t matter as people will still throw the taboo symbol at it because it’s not what, “normal” people do. People assume were supposed to love life even if it sucks.
We could love our sucking lives if only we could become delusional. If only Phizer Permanente would develop Delusionex….
Exactly, if we dumb ourselves down and let society conform us we’ll most likely start liking life.
Well of course if we would just dumb down and follow the societal norms we would be loving life. Just a few easy steps: reproduce, buy a big house, buy a minivan, and for gods sake never acknowledge pain as anything other than an anomaly.