How does the universe exist? And why!?
We know something exists. We also know that something cannot come from absolute nothing; therefore, something has always existed. Such an uneasy thought…
So we go further.
We know that things change. We also know that something unchanging cannot start changing; therefore, something has always been changing. What’s that? Still uneasy? Agreed.
Let’s make it worse.
If something has always existed and is always changing, that means an infinite amount of change has occurred up to this moment. Ugh!!!
But this moment did occur! And out of all the infinite number of moments before, why did this one happen now!?
Wait a minute… Who are you asking? Me!? What do I look like? A wizard? Psh!
Ok, fine. Let’s see…
The universe has been around FOREVER, and has undergone an infinite amount of change. This moment exists simply because it is possible, and if it is possible, it will be. (There is an alternative possibility where everything is actually running in a loop, but forget that : )
So what?
So, you are possible, therefore you are. Your purpose? Well, if I knew the answer to that…
I mean! The only way you can know purpose is to know what makes something possible. What drives possibility? Why are some things possible and not others? What makes the rules?
And why wasn’t a different rule chosen? It must be the only possible rule. It must be the rule that generates all other rules. What could it be!?
It must be universal. (Literally.)
You should see it everywhere you look.
It must drive everything.
The rule:
To seek unity.
To combine.
*Shouts come from the audience*
“Booo!!! What a dissapointment!”
(A little further back) “Loser!”
But wait! There’s another rule!
Unity cannot be achieved.
And therein lies the tragedy that underpins everything.
Your purpose is to seek unity. To love. Tragically, you will never truly succeed.
But at least you know what your ultimate purpose is now 🙂
Or maybe it’s to seek enlightenment or something. What do I know? I’m just a freaking suicidal pylon for godsake! Someone put me on the road somewhere so I can get run over and attempt to achieve unity with the pavement.
What’s the THC level you’re working with here?
Lol! (I actually had to look that one up.)
100% natural pylon brain here.
We’re all one, man. Seek unity.
Hmmm. . . if you say so, but I smell smoke, and it smells gooooddddd.
Now I have the munchies.
I can seek unity with a bowl of Lucky Charms, right?
Be the Charm. Be. The. Charm.
Yes, actually! But the tragedy is that you’ll never actually become one. Unity cannot be achieved.
Nice one
“The rule:
To seek unity.
To combine.”
Congratulations. You’ve officially become the vessel of a hive mind. XD
That being said, a lot of what you said sounds like multiverse theory, though. Every conceivable variation of Earth, all beginning from Earth Prime (Earth Prime being where every other “timeline” converges), exists at the same time. I mean you could think of all the possibilities. The multiple Earths where the “other” side won this or that war, the Earths where something essential to current culture never existed, and as a result people of said Earth have adapted with different “tools” to solve a problem we never have to worry about and vice versa… I mean, one person’s timeline alone branches out, where one single decision could’ve rewritten their entire story… then multiply that by 7.5 billion and it’s crazy to think about it honestly.
I like multiverse theory. Just the concept of it is so… interesting.
I do believe that a multiverse scenario is possible, although, I personally feel that such parallel universes would only exist conceptually until accessed by the mainline — in essence making them both part of the same universe.
In regards to becoming the Borg (or sheeple, not sure which — maybe both!?) don’t forget the second rule. If unity could be achieved, the universe would be indistinguishable from nothing. Duality is unbreakable in as much as unity is sought.
I liked this post. I’m not sure I agree with the logic, but the way you expressed it was nice.
The answer here is obvious.
Extra terrestrials are behind it all.
This explains why my Lucky Charms have yellow moons and orange stars.
I would love to have a debate about these things but a debate would be a debate when we communicate face to face, and i could see the other person’s spitings on the air. 😀
And our hands would really hurt after doing this debate on SP. (And let’s not forget the WordPress Mystery)
All i can say now is this:
Im not saying youre wrong neither correct but
study physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry together. Then look again at the universe.
You may understand it wrong again so then you could search the internet and find out what scientists and professors think about the world.
then You may say to yourself “no maybe they are wrong too”. Well, they may (might) be, but they are much much much less wrong than us.
Although there are laws that define the universe we see 90% correct, there are laws that are 100% correct.
Our (you and i) laws are (maybe) 10% correct and 90%….
There are, of course, many laws that govern our world. But this existence is quite complicated, and I doubt this form was the form it started as, or the form it will always be. Possibly down to the atom. There may be other “universes” with different higher level rules, but ultimately I believe everything shares the same common purpose I’ve suggested here.
I think string theory is what youre looking for.
Most people seem to not understand the fact that time was itself created along with the Universe (or what we call “space”). Time is linked to space. Spacetime was created during the big bang as a consequence of General Relativity. Not just space!
So it makes no sense to ask what was before the Big Bang. There was no “before” because there was no time (as we know it). It’s like asking what was “above” the Big Bang. It makes no sense because there was no space either.
What cause the Big Bang on a meta-spacetime level? I don’t know since nobody knows any rules outside of the Universe. Could be a totally different world with totally different perceptions. It seems weird to you because you don’t “live” in it, our brains are limited after all.
When I speak of “the universe” I mean it in the literal sense as “everything there is”, and not just our universe, but everything.
In regards to time, here’s what I say:
Time is a measure of change. Time is experienced differently relative to the observer (the thing measuring it). To see this, think of sleep, or a coma, etc, and how time can deeming pass instantly for one person, but take hours or even years for abother. Time does not exist without something to measure it, to experience it. CHANGE exists! But as the saying goes (and believe me, it pains me to say this) “time is an illusion”.
Furthermore, I can prove that time must be an illusion because we know that an infinite amount of change has occurred (refer to OP), but an infinite amount of time cannot have passed up to this moment.
Maybe i am just a dumb person but what I’ve always said is that anyone — theologian, philosopher or astrophysicist — who claims to understand totality (everything, the whole picture) is just blowing smoke out of their ego. But by all means if people want to believe they know everything they should go right ahead. My brain’s not that smart.
I agree! We should keep an open mind, and each discover our own truth. This post is simply one thought among many.