Is it a bad thing to think about all of the inevitable consequences that will come from me taking my own life, and then shrugging them off with the justification of “It won’t matter for you because you’ll be dead. Why care about others?”?
It makes logical sense, but is unbelievably selfish. Then again, i suppose suicide itself is inherently selfish.
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Yeah, I feel this. But I think you’ll have to stick around to see the consequences.
An ex of mine killed himself 4 years ago.
I’ve been continuously suicidal myself for the past 5 months, really debating doing it, and he popped up in a vivid dream of mine. He told me not to do it, to trust him on this one. We said our peace, then I went inside and saw his mom and sister who looked really well, and we sat around a table and did tarot readings. I didn’t tell anyone about that dream.
Less than a week later, his mom posts on Facebook that after 4 years she went and saw a medium and truly believes she talked to her some and it’s the first time she’s had some peace since his death.