This is my second post today, forgive me for spamming here..
I just had to rant a bit. I feel so closed in with my own fears and struggles. I feel like there is no real physical person I can talk to. My close friends are just letting me down again and again.
I feel like they can’t understand or comprehend how hard it is to go through what I am going through. I just want to talk to someone who would understand. I barely can find a person like this anywhere.
I’m really sad and I’m struggling to go through each day. I know I won’t quit , but it is such a burden that blocks me from enjoying life. I wish I would have found a person who would understand me. How can I even open conversation about subjects like this with out scaring the other person? How can I share what I am going through where there is major difference between my life and theirs ?
I always felt like an outsider, and not because of my social skills, they were and are just fine. I felt so because of my life and family. There always have been really bad parent figures to learn from, and there wasn’t a stable time.
I feel I’m alone in this world since I was born. I feel my only way to overcome this is to progress further in life. But I really want to find someone to progress with. Does it means my current friends aren’t a friendship material? Does it means I should disconnect from them?
I’m really wondering into thoughts here, but I’m not taking a step.
I’m not even trying to……..
I hope I get through this, I know I will get through this.
Just wanted to rant to some…. to someone or something. Even if none read this.
I’m having hard times, and it is heartbreaking for me that I have none to tell about it. I’m struggling with so much.
Your friend in arms, Jac.
I never had a friend…. why do you need a friend? Have you ever tried living alone in the middle of nowhere? Now that’s something.
To be honest, the only friend I found was ever the bottle
Finding people like that on the net is far easier than irl. Opening that topic without scaring the other person is exceptionally difficult, especially if they’re long time friends.
The economy is picking up–engineers are in/ will be in demand. Focus on getting your degree!
I mean, I don’t blame anyone for not caring/ not talking/ trying to help me. I mean it is a very uncomfortable topic to talk about and I try to put myself in the shoes of mother people. I know I would definitely not want to talk to me. I’m not saying it isn’t wrong but ynow what I’m trying to say? I’m sorry nobody is there for you. i’m kinda doing that disconnect from friends rn too cuz I don’t wanna weight them down 🙂 It isn’t fun
Thank you for your thoughtful post. I have no easy answers except walking forward slowly. Daily.