I’m at the mercy of a ludricrously vivid imagination. Before any decision all I can imagine are the pitfalls and negative consequences. I remember reading in a novel once -” imagination the enemy of men, the father of all terrors”, how fucking true that is. People with little or no imagination are less of a suicide risk, the Homer Simpsons of this world I truly envy, ignorance is bliss!
You saw yourself in the screen who was watching themselves in another screen. Is seeing everything a gift or a downfall?
Yeah, agreed. More specifically…STORYTELLING
OH ME OH MY how lovely it is to sabotage every relationship: friend, work, romantic — EACH AND EVERY TIME — with that wonderful gift.
To invent, in every instance where it is unneeded, the most intricate stories as to why such and such is pointless/worthless, why whoever is lying to my face and spreading gossip behind my back.
I love to sit down each day and review all the terrible stories of life my wonderful mind has concocted against my will or better judgement. So delightful
So, I had to bridge this gap of why Jim-bob was no longer seen around a certain dive area known for it’s homeless (Jim-bob, if that WAS his real name, was a roamer, a gypsy of sorts)..
Here’s what I came up with.. Jim-bob was not really a roamer, he was the elusive ‘peameal strangler’ (killer luring hookers, then strangling them with peameal and shoving an apple in their mouth to signify how he feels about their profession).
So this ‘Jim-bob’ in spite of roaming, had somewhere to sleep at night, but chose to roam and get intel on the working women of the area. Find the next victim, and do his dirty work..
At home, Jim-bob had a partner, children, and 1.5 dogs… Socially he didn’t appear to be within the parameters of the peameal stranglers description, he had a job where noone boticed him missing during hos shift.. Security officer for the downtown core.. Surely noone would notice if he slipped into raghed old clothes from doing yardwork… Slip in and out of a crime without suspicions.. Just another vagabond.. Nothing to take notice of …