Don’t mind the shouting. This song is amazing if you can find your way past that. It’s not a hopeless song. It just seems that way the first time you hear it. I guess if you know you’re dying, it all makes sense. Everybody dies, but not everyone really knows it’s coming. It’s like a willful ignorance. Life feels like an eternal journey, even when you want to end it, until mortality smacks you in the face. Then things start falling into focus.
It seems like The Weather Girl telling us the forecast on network TV is usually pretty hot.
The temperature is gonna dip 20 degrees downwards within the next 24 hours, and that’s totally ok.
Hey! Know what’s tough? Try to define the word “time” without consulting Google.
Think about it. Explain “time” to a four year old.
Time is like beer. It’s gone before you even know you opened the first bottle. Damnit, now I have to walk to the store because can’t drive.
Not to get all pedantic, but “unit of measurement” and “the linear passage of events in a chronologically measured sequence based on the movements of celestial bodies” is omitted from your def.
Go get your brew.