Useless, utterly useless. You know how one sees kids growing up and we’re supposed to feel joy when we see them? “Oh look how big so ‘n so has gotten? she’s so curious! etc.” I can’t help but say, “Sorry kid, I’m so sorry your folks had the witless nerve to push you into all this.” I see all these people with all their efforts hammering away with all this willpower (something the piece of shit writing this doesn’t have), and I just feel tired, not just fatigue but tired of this dumb game. A baby takes a year to walk, we must practice and practice and practice until we almost look better than notthing at all. WTF I say when a computer can transfer gigs of data, but it take us years to gain a few megs worth. Humans are said to have lost most of their physcial prowes in a metabolic compensation to support a bigger brain. Mother Nature that ***** works on a skimping budget. A mind (mine in particular) this slow for all the physical losses is an evolutionary con. With our money, eco slaughter, leadership ball sucking and penchant for killing eachother and everything else in general, It shows this ‘big brain”s uses are few. To top the GMO cherry on the cake I’m the bottom of all of this with the kind of genes that no loving “architect” (for those who believe that **** exists) could slap together on the worst of days.
“Human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution.” – Rust Cohle
Bro, chill. And be like Elon Musk, finding creative, original and solutions to problems old and new alike.
The mere mention of worshipped human pseudo dieties can get my blood up.
But they do find creative solut….solutions? wait wrong word. they find creative problems to sell solutions to for a profit. Take the Zuckbot master, a man who vowed to destroy human interaction and make 100 billion plus currency units in the process.
Of course they can chill, step one to reducing stress/anxiety/depression? have a billion currency units.
Hi, I’m glad to hear from you after 2 years, it’s nice ^^,
And sorry about my comment. Yeah, and it’s also related to your post: to create the megaproblem of AI, and then offer the “solution” of neuralink, so that an internet virus can come and wipe whole nations out, or a dictator to easily have access to all his subjects.
Please let not my words disturb you, it will all go well, you’ll see ^^,
There’s nothing to worry about, humanity always miraculously survived and thrived. Cheers bro! ??
Life on earth existed before humans. And it still will long after they’re gone. They are a virus to the planet. But even if it takes thousands of years, there is nothing man can do that nature can’t undo. Plastic will eventually decompose. And cities will crumble.
The only positive thing about humans being a virus, is that they too, are contagious to their own destruction
totally. i hate humans. dont get me wrong i like the occasional human as an individual but the species as a whole…..i cant wait till its gone. we’re suppose to be smart and all this other stuff but we’re destroying our planet. the ecosystem, making millions of other species go extinct for our own pleasure and what we do to each other……well we’re all here so im sure i dont need to go into that. the pointless wars just because governments are childish a**holes that need to grow the f*ck up. i can go on because EVER THING is wrong with the human race. we might be smart but that isnt making us not useless.
also, Sbilko, either you didnt know or you forgot/ over looked the fact but elon musk isnt the awesome guy you think he is. hes just as horrible as the rest of the st*pid humans on this planet (not anyone here. remember humans as a whole) hes putting a sh*t ton of satellites into orbit. yeah thats spectacular for the planet. “oh look the big dipper isnt there anymore. but that satellite looks awfully cute.” please the only ones that really care are the ones you never hear about and are labeled as weirdos for “living green”. these rich people dont give a f*ck and only want to look good. you really shouldnt try to fool yourself. humans are humans and thats never going to change. the most we can hope for is for us to be come extinct ourselves, then we’ll finally be doing something good.