“I hate the world you brought me into, I hate this reality, its rules are undoubtedly built for the express goal of oppression. Nature, evil and powered by death itself has garnered our worship and respect as its design wastes the life of billions every day. Now we sit here duped into building this civilisation out of, hunger leading to poverty to slavery rebranded to money and trade and culminating in inhumanity. Pretence the number one skill we end up selling this life with fake smiles to each other, and in the greatest crime; to the children you thoughtlessly, perhaps even selfishly push into this prison cell built with the bricks of physical law. Your products, wares and services are a blast of hot foul air, your quests bereft of meaning, and soulless.
Erstwhile it is clear to see that this world is where sentience comes to die.
Look at nature laugh at us, its utter indifference will not save the species that fall every day and we certainly hold no more weight than its brief entertainment. Life on earth failed, it has failed for 1.4 billion years in the bloodbath it had to fill for its inability to absorb enough energy to self sustain. Instead eating itself again and again.
I hate this world and the sick oppressive rules it uses to feed on us. But in time we can only hope that advancement and knowledge breaks the hold of survivalist incarceration. Leave this world behind, and another cosmic body will finally douse this blight.”
One place to start is with love, a love for all living beings. For each life we save without demand of payback is a middle finger to this world and its evil nature.
1 comment
A free man’s worship. Nice.