It seems that approaching a plan of healing involves believing you “deserve” it. So how do you heal when you approach life from a place of subservience and subjugation, self loathing and worthlessness? Oh, I see…you just fix all that, THEN the healing begins. Ok.
I really don’t like the word deserve. The world is clearly an amoral place. People who “deserve” to be well aren’t, and people who “deserve” to suffer can thrive.
For me, I did have some success once acknowledging that though I did not deserve to be well, I was no different than anyone else.
Of course, I’m here so it was not ultimately successful. Just a slightly different way to look at it
I have a hard time healing. Sure a “bandage” works short term but then it comes back full force again. How can 1 truely heal n let go when people n events happen again bringin u back to step 1?
I don’t know if “healing” is possible. Whether I deserve it or not, my place in the world be damned. I want to believe some sort of change can happen…I want to believe it. I NEED to believe it, otherwise I’m….well….I don’t know. Maybe I’m just dreaming.
I find it hard to believe I deserve healing or help as well. It works a bit better for me to think “I don’t deserve to suffer” instead.