Right now feels like there’s a churning happening somewhere. I’ve spent the last few days in silent anguish and near constant torment over this and that, mostly work-related stress. Everyday for the past week I expected to be fired and it could’ve culminated at a Friday meeting but ended in anticlimax. Nothing happened.
I just can’t keep doing this week after week. Certainly not year after year because this is not living. Or else living without reason. I’m ashamed of even admitting any sincerity in my line of work cause it is simply frivolous as far as making the world go round is concerned.
But today, power’s out in the whole area so I can’t work. And oh, it feels great! I can’t explain the feeling as I write this down lying on the cold floor. This just feels so right that things have come to standstill at this moment. It’s a blissfully still moment. Like fresh, clean, cool, still mountain water without a ripple.
I’m preparing this coming weekend for quitting next week. This has to stop. Don’t have much in the way of savings tho. But fuck it, we’ll see, this has to stop somewhere.
That has been my experience at every single job… torment. There has to a way to earn a living that does not inspire suicidal ideations.
There sure are ways to make a happy living with peace of mind. I know a few people who atleast look that part. But ‘work-life balance’ as they call it, depends on so many factors out of my control that I’ve given up hoping for either.