After my witless brother has decided to push another helpless life into this wretched waste he has embodied the possibility of the great Achilles heel to humanity, our own Fermi Paradox. To him, the huge infrastrucuture of cities displacing more of our already tarnished world wasn’t enough, that we now have to play popularity contests to get jobs, that a living wage is too much to ask, because an army of 8 billion has made us all disposable. That we’re killing the only planet we can possibly cling to for life…it all wasn’t enough to drill into his seeminly lead lined skull that having kids is the single greatest cause of calamity we face.
Family manipulation, cult bashing (more commonly knon as religion, or brainwashing), and pure straight up selfish disregard will now result in a child that has to face all the horrors that many here have to live with. While everyone cheers his and his wife’s new societal badge of success, I hang my head in shame. He has given another investment of taxes to the establishemnt running the pyramid scheme of human society. His new bundle of ‘joy’ representing perhaps a few million pounds of income to the rich and powerful.
well said
Wish I could go back in time and read this to my siblings before they had kids. A family with a clear history of mental disease, no less. I feel really bad for any child born today. As horrible as the world was to us, it’s going to be 10 times worse for them.
“..bundle of joy..” He might enjoy the bundle but I wonder if the bundle will have joy for long?
Also, I wonder if his “…lead lined skull…” has thought about sleepless nights? Or thought about how much some kids become not as pure and wonderful as we adults would like to think?
You’ve hit the nail on the head there. some kids can be down right rotten, even if the parents have all good intentions. Having kids is no mean feat, one has to devote perhaps all of themselves to it, and it ruins a person in so mamy ways. In one way I can take my hat off to people who take on such a challenge, but it is dwarfed by the sheer crime against humanity it has become to do so in today’s throwaway world.