I look around, Red, blue, white, black,
Hmm, what are these colours good for? Nothing absolute crap,
A goodbye, live well, farewell?
To you, although, who can bring themself to do this all alone?
Easy life for those who win, none to say thank you, I love you forever and never second,
You and me? I wanted to thank you for reaching out your hand,
Oh, but why would I thank you? It was me all along,
Under this all, who do you think I I’m? not a puppet for you to take,
Not an object for you to use and rape,
It’s the little things that make me smile,
The world, so full of laughter and luster, it makes me vile,
Though you wouldn’t know,
I loved you through my heart and soul,
But all the things that you have stole,
Were never yours to linger and show,
My life not yours but mine from the start,
Your words echo but do not distort,
not anymore, not ever again,
I will love you forever, but you leave me insane.