so I got caught. My principal got an anonymous tip that I had a vape. I FUCKING HATE 411. This is bullshit. I now have iss for 3 FUCKING DAYS. Im so miserable all the fucking time. If I wanna slowly kill my lungs FUCKING LET ME. if they let everybody who wanted to die, die it would be so much easier. ugggaahhhhhhhhhh.
everyone is a snitch these days
wait, were u vaping IN school tho? i mean i’m not against vaping per se but if you do it in school, yeah someone is gonna snitch on u
nobody knew tho that’s the thing I never told or showed anyone.
heh, most here probably wouldn’t know, but nicotine and tobacco are matters I am well read in. I was a cigar smoker for years, and now vape, because I agree that it’s better for my lungs.
However the way people are against vaping, sometimes I wonder if I should return to my cigars. I never got this kind of grief for cigars, and last treatment plan review I found out they consider vaping just as much tobacco consumption as anything out.
Nicotine is an easy scapegoat, but the actual data doesn’t back up the anti tobacco campaign’s position. Yes, cigarettes especially when chain smoked up your risk of cancer. I found out the coal power plant I live two miles from causes more than double the cancer risk of when I smoked cigars. There’s lead in the water of more than half the country, asbestos in the walls, lead paint still on many houses, and coal fumes in the air.
What the anti tobacco people are is in fact classists, and more often racists. They don’t propose anything to fix the ailing social safety net, or help families living paycheck to paycheck. Their solution to everything is less nicotine… which absent the combustion of smoking is a small risk indeed.
So my take is that your school administration is shoving their own moral stance down your throat, punishing you for thinking differently than they. Take it as a learning experience; anyone in authority over you is against you until proven otherwise. The sooner you learn that these people don’t want what’s best for you, the sooner you can move forward.
so what’s the actual data on vaping? is it less harmful than smoking? or is it even that harmful at all? i had thought vaping was a much better alternative than smoking until the last few years i’ve noticed a huge push against vaping and that got me thinking…why are they lobbying for anti-vaping suddenly?
The times it has presented a serious danger have been because of illicit/tampered with product. So if you vape THC, there’s actually a decent chance you’ll get sick, because there aren’t any federal regulations. There have also been some questionable problems with the kind with disposable pods, apparently that’s easy to counterfeit.
If you already have a breathing problem, yeah I can buy vaping not helping you any. It is far away better than smoking, and that’s what it was invented for, harm reduction. In any country other than the United States it has seen wide adoption. In England they sell it inside of hospitals.
Another thing I didn’t get into is how much worse caffeine is for you, specifically for heart health. Any stimulant is going to have some heart risk, but nicotine is behind way fewer heart attacks than caffeine. Caffeine is also behind a fair amount of stomach problem, where as most nicotine consumption is actually good for digestive health.
“However the way people are against vaping…”
–>PEOPLE or lobbyists behind the anti-vaping campaigns? I doubt the individual person knows anything about vaping except for seeing and believe all the anti-vaping propaganda/campaign out there.
Like nobody was against vaping for a long while, and vaping was considered much safer. But there’s suddenly a massive anti-vaping campaign and it makes me wonder who has what to gain for doing so.
oh yes there is definitely an astroturf aspect to this whole silly thing. Most smokers are in favor of swapping out smoking for vaping. Outside of interacting with organizations vulnerable to political lobbying I’m fine. Average people don’t complain, but they didn’t complain about the cigars either.
interestingly when I did smoke, people seemed to take more of a liking to me after I revealed that I smoked. Even before I started smoking, I was hanging out in smoke holes wherever I went because I like smokers more. Also that was two extra 15 minute breaks a day I got to hang out with my friends instead of working.
“nicotine and tobacco are matters I am well read in.”
–>Just well read in? Not experienced in? hehee. What drug or substance have you not done? I think between you and @thebends, you guys have tried a heck of a lot lol 😛
My experience with nicotine has been pretty good, so the well read part is that I’ve actually looked up the studies that anti tobacco fanatics try to wave in my face like they’re some sort of effective proof.
I’ll never be professionally published in the field, because the backlash is still so difficult to deal with.
What haven’t I done though?
pretty much any opiod or hallucinogen
oh, and Quaaludes. That’s become my go to when people who clearly have no intention of helping ask “How can I help?” I say, “Got any quaaludes?”
Oh, speaking of illicit drug use, yesterday a teenager ODed on a drug that I’ve taken quite a bit of, an allergy medicine with a pretty potent kick. The media and especially the family tried to make it out like this was a dangerous drug. I have taken the dose the kid took, for months straight, with little side effect.
I guess the kid had less body mass/different chemistry. I know that hydration can be a big problem, average people go around a little dehydrated to begin with, add a drug that dries out nasal passages…. not a fun time.
anyway, I almost wrote a post about it, vis a vis that it really isn’t fair that this 13 year old kid got away with his escape and I’m still here. Not that there is any way I could be bribed to be 13 years old again. Frankly, I don’t blame the kid, can you imagine how bleak it must be to be a child right now?
what allergy medicine?
benadryl.. though I haven’t taken the name brand in years. You can get 100 pills for $8, and that tends to last me a few months
the big problem I’ve had with it lately is that it seems to undermine the effectiveness of my pain killers….. so sometimes I choose to stay awake rather than lie in bed in pain
wtf? most ppl can’t OD on benedryl. kid got lucky or unlucky depending on one’s perspective.