I’ve decided on an end date for myself. August 31st. This is the date of the next Blue Moon. Of course the stargazing conditions have to be perfect. Im not sure why I chose this. Maybe its because I want to go out on a beautiful night. I know this time I can’t back out. I won’t. I’m so tired. I love my mom and sister and the one friend I have but I can’t do this anymore. Perhaps I may find a reason to stay by the time the Blue Moon comes around but I highly doubt it. I am trying to keep my mind occupied till then. I have been learning chords on my piano so that’s nice. Its quite a good distraction. Recently I have been climbing out my window onto the roof and taking pictures of the moon. Seeing the stars and moon calms me. When it gets dark if I concentrate enough while laying on my roof my eyes will adjust to the night sky and I can see more constellations than normal. I found scorpio last night which I Thought was really cool because its my zodiac. I’ve always been really interested in that stuff. I wish I lived out in the country where there not as much light pollution because then you can see so many more stars.
Regardless I am way to tired and I just need the pain to stop. I could really use a joint right now.

This is the view from my rooftop.
I think that’s really sad, going out on a blue moon. The view is nice but really desolate.
They just published a study that showed suicides rise on full moons. Scientists don’t usually look into stuff like that but theres a lot of data. If you can’t guess I’m into that stuff too
my chart says I’m gonna fucking kill myself.
lol not really. It just says the risk is very high, but there’s 1 pesky planet that’s keeping me alive supposedly. lil fucker. Have you ever done your chart?
yeah I’m guessing the blue moon is like a full moon ramped up on steroids so…
For the chart stuff idk if I can put a link here but just google “astrolabe free chart” and it’s the top hit. It’ll show you where all your planets are, then you kinda gotta research what each planet’s influence is. astrolabe gives you a summary but if you’re into this stuff it’s kinda fun to dig deeper.If you do it let me know where your planets are and I’ll tell you the chances of you killing yourself. haha not really but there are a couple strong indicators
I’m just gonna list the whole chart because i’m not sure what info you need
Rising sign: Gemini [1st house]
Moon: Cancer [2nd house]
Saturn: Leo [4th house]
scorpio: Mars, Mercury, Sun, Venus, and Jupiter [6th house]
Pluto: Sagittarius [7th house]
Neptune: Aquarius [9th house]
Uranus: Pisces [10th house]
holy shit you have the curse
I already know im psycho because I have Scorpio Gemini and cancer as my top 3. But what do you mean, what curse?
idk what happened to the rest of the comments bu I already know im psycho because I have Scorpio Gemini and cancer as my top 3. But what do you mean, what curse?
well that was weird. apparently we aren’t allowed to talk about astrology on SP so I can’t talk. The bottom line is you have a rare pattern that might indicate either you’re going to be very successful, or you’re going to kill yourself. Or both.
Others who had ‘the curse’ were Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain, that college athlete who killed herself (forgot her name), and the inventor of nylon. Wish I could tell you more but I guess this isnt the place.
where else can you tell me about it other than here?
wish I knew morse but all I know is SOS.
I’ll try to give you a really broad explanation and maybe you can research it. The hazard is when you get an unbalanced water influence in your chart (as in earth, fire, air, water). Water is associated with emotions & passion. braindamage has a ton of water, I noticed at least 6 planets in water? And not just that but there are specific planet-house combinations that can be dangerous. Cant remember exactly cause her comment got deleted.
Its not necessarily bad… emotions & passion are what make people succeed beyond normal human limits if they can focus it. But when you add depression into the mix (or depressant drugs) you better watch out. Kurt Cobain had all 9 planets in water I think. So it was a no brainer he’d be a great artist cause his passion was driving him to greatness… but maybe it was driving him to suicide also.
gah my computer glitched and thats what made the comments delete. Idk y but it just did.
Okay, alternate pitch; find a way to move to somewhere very rural where you’d be left alone, stay awake during the day only long enough to grow some cannabis, spend most of your awake time at night star gazing and chilling.
I remember reading about a guy who moved to rural Arkansas and spend most of his time living in caves… he lived off of nuts, berries and rabbits. The best part about that whole arrangement is that no one will know when he dies, he could still be alive, or his body could be feeding the wildlife, win-win
Interesting. it is illegal to runaway though and I don’t make enough money to live on my own but I would love to live in a house in a rural area and grow my own cannabis.
I guess I am advocating for a bit of law breaking, squatting either on government land or vacant land. There’s a lot of it, no one ever checks. I worked in Rural Oklahoma for awhile, and just driving around I’d see 5-6 abandoned properties a day. Most people I’ve seen do it wait until tax return and buy a camper of some kind, then take it out far enough no one will check.
the alternate “legal” way is to find someone who owns a lot of land and isn’t working all of it (also very common), and offer them a few hundred bucks a year to rent it. Get it in writing though, because then you actually have a legal right to the land.
What you need to live depends very much on climate, but most places you can live out of a “hot tent” which you can get for a few hundred bucks, and with a woodstove, again a few hundred dollars
I’m also getting into the idea of earth bag buildings…. physically challenging, but makes for a nice home.
im not really into horoscopes, but i feel u on the joint.
With high hopes my comment acts as a ‘snooze’\postpone button,
and not a ‘reminder’ [hopefully :/ ],
i had been mindful of the date since the day I read this post &…
being typical last-moment-me,
i’m here today to ask if the beautiful Scorpio could please
kindly kindly
cancel or at least postpone the astronomically-set date
& gives me a chance to talk things through instead
Instead of an end
maybe this Blue Moon could be a sign for starting a new friendship/acquaintanceship
: )
i’d be honored
i mean it
please think about it, okay <3
i really hope You haven't done anything earlier cause i'll really regret postponing this so long
& then i hope You can stay
hmm blue moon. i ways said my date would be around my birth date. that way my mom would not have to mourn twice.
you have not posted since june. makes us all wonder if you left on august 31rst.