I dont get it. I dont get it. Every single time. Its like two or three weeks. I have to get out of here. I dont want to be here. Or at home. Or anywhere. Why do I even feel like this. It’s like, I feel sad because I can’t settle down and get to know people, and then when I try to get to know someone, I feel like I have to get away from them after two weeks. I don’t understand myself. And now I am a totally different person. What will my family say when I’m back? What will I say? Will they even let me in? Can I keep my books? I am tired of myself, I am. And because I’m tired of myself, I think everyone else is tired of me. I don’t care, if they’re tired, but I want to get away from them. I can’t be here. I’m so glad I’m leaving, but I wish I could leave right now, and not have to go home. I want to be anywhere that isn’t somewhere people know me. And then I don’t want to be there either. It’s exhausting, I feel so excited for it. All the people I can get to know, and then discard completely and never talk to again. Am I horrible for this? I’m just stressed! How am I supposed to get a job? I don’t want to settle down anywhere, and I don’t want to move around either, but I also don’t want to kill myself. No matter what I look at, no matter the option, none of them satisfy me. This is stupid.
1 comment
I take it back