A while back, for the first time ever I really stood up for myself, because I couldn’t take being treated like dogshit any longer. It took me 2 appointments + a ton of mental strength to go through all the themes that ate me up for months. I even made a Mindmap, to make him write it down, so I don’t jump over my words.
And it actually worked. I felt heard and respected, all is good after a thorough talk.
But then today the boss was doing the same thing, gaslighting me like you wouldn’t believe. I’m not a person you’d need to use that tone with, I’m always polite. I’m so mad, I could scream! Tomorrow I’m going to talk with him. No way in hell am I going to chew up these hard going-down words any longer.
I pity my inner voice. I’m not quick-witted like some people. Emotional situations require a lot of time for me to think. I go completely blank.
My life battery is drained and I need to deal with these @ssholes… Unbelievable.
I’m told somewhere out there are supportive employers, I’ve never met one.
The strongest suspect I have is the non profit that provides my therapy and medications, the people working there seem happy, they seem to have lives outside of work. However because I get services there, I can’t work there, and given the state of health in this state that isn’t going to change.
I made the choice awhile ago, if someone wants to subject me to awful conditions if I won’t work an awful job, I’ll take the awful conditions because those usually have natural limits. It’s a strangely liberating feeling being more prepared to for homelessness than going to work for an abusive boss. Somehow those “threats” never end up as bad as they claim. I still have a home, food, and pretty decent life…..
I’d love to go back to work, if there is such a thing as a supportive and useful employer. Most employers I’ve met are there to micromanage, to bully, and to make the job entirely dominate every waking moment of your existence. No one pays enough for that, we’re talking 90 hours a week of liability at my rate that should command six figures, instead of being barely enough to live on.
That’s an interesting choice of liberty indeed. It’s just easier not having to please someone that’s “above rank”
Us humans can’t have it all I suppose..