Does anyone else feel like they are stuck in a never ending swirling pool of darkness that is pulling you down? I mean at times my emotions make me dizzy. Thoughts racing, sadness, darkness and no way out. So many things are so wrong. I try to focus on the good. And I do have things I should be happy about. But the suction of my emotions wont let me up for air or to see the light of day.
This world is a horrible place. People are cruel. It seems everyone is out for only themselves. Finger pointing, acting like spoiled children, hate, hurting others without a care in the world. I just don’t understand. Where is the compassion? (It’s a little sad that I laughed as I typed that question.)
Im stuck in place that I don’t want to be… Staying alive to keep others from feeling pain if I were to go. But all I feel in this world is sadness at times so deep I have to remind myself that it wont feel this way ALL of the time. So I wait for a touch of peace. Only all the time knowing, the despair will return with a vengeance soon enough.