I mean, sort of but not really, for a few things in particular they’ve all either “lost their luster” or were not ever really apparent in terms of value to begin with. This is going to be quite ranty, not a very important post at all so it’d be better to look at others, but regardless, nowadays social media wise or whatever you call it I still see others thinking about past people and wanting them back or still being hung up over them. I don’t and I have probably never felt that way about much of anyone for my short time on this rock. I just don’t care nowadays, especially not now, it’s definitely seeming like the less of them I’m acquainted with the better. I especially dislike having others physically close at least, I was never really fond of those who simply thought in terms of physical proximity thinking there’s nothing more to forcing interaction upon someone to whatever extent but I live in a crappy sort of “neighborhood” in my case. Not great, things on the inside have slowed down at least and I’m not exactly considering staying put to be a bad idea since it’s better financially, but my view on any one person or being that could exist on average gets worse and worse with time due to this. If I’m not meeting or talking to people for any sort of point or reason, I generally want nothing to do with them, not mainly due to this but due to how all resources are so scarce as it is in the modern day, why do I want another dumpster fire of a situation? Truth be told I never would, I’ve had enough for a lifetime, it’s generally all hellbent on avoiding that. When you can’t even ensure your own life to begin with, I’d find it hardly feasible to focus on someone else, suboptimal at best and yet that’s something we see commonly in this world. Obviously I’d much rather not have that at all though, it just keeps on ending up in disaster example after example. I don’t get it, the sort of thing that both doesn’t work in theory and reality to me. No one could realistically, sustainably afford to do such things, but yet it’s still perpetuated that you should meet others “just because”, maybe I’m the only one seeing it or imagining it but it does tie heavily into my view on “relationships” as well, more than special “friendships” or whatever you call it even though it’s still at the end of the day simply others you know in different contexts, what’s the point? Why butter it up when it should speak for itself? But nonetheless we sort of have things like that.
I mean, think about it, the worst part is that others can be especially harmful to know and that getting into affiliation with them would potentially place emphasis on you in particular as a target for no good reason other than “you just decided to hang out with the wrong folks”, does the reasoning I’ve previously mentioned care much about what are the “wrong kinds” of people? No, it pushes for trial and error and everything, but often enough what you are losing is not just your time and/or money in short bursts, it could very well be much more fatal in comparison. You don’t need to have any reason to be screwed over by somebody else truly, truth is if you are in the physical vicinity for instance of whatever they are thinking about you could be the target and victim of anything specifically on you and nobody else, just because, well, in their point of view you exist and that’s reason enough. That’s been reason enough for quite the large number of times most certainly, and yet for some reason there’s the line of thinking that it never happens, at least without preexisting vulnerabilities.
In which, addressing vulnerabilities in security is quite the good idea and all, certainly, but for the wrong place at the wrong time which very much still exists, you are pretty screwed. Often times you can bet on more than them just trying your door handles or popping your tires at night, it may be “unlucky” to be one of the few that it would have happened to before any further attention was given to it but unfortunately it seems to be likely for unlikely things to happen, quite contradicting yes. The odds are also there for others to knowingly perpetuate it, and I’ve seen enough bad behavior to know that I don’t care about others unless I have a reason to. The latter should be the case regardless, but apparently focusing on keeping to yourself and furthermore keeping yourself safe when nobody can do it for you is a bad thing here. You have to put out fires for the properties of everyone else meanwhile your own burns down. That’s what they all seem to expect, and it’s more “dehumanizing” than what they’d claim the other way around. But no, others will treat us “well”, we won’t be tending to what needs fixing because of them if we are still around after it all, probably not…
It seems quite morally right to me at least to prioritize yourself until fires are no longer a concern, and this is not taking into account that you have other things to do with your life than solely dealing with others. Obviously, to make one’s properties fireproof, it takes a while, but that’s much better than being ash in an urn with nothing to show for it. It may even be realistic to prioritize putting out your own fires for the rest of your life arguably, since how effective are you going to be putting out fires if you can’t handle your own? What affects your own performance asides from, you guessed it, your own reality and state of things? Things would probably be better if you weren’t held up all the time, or at all. Nobody said you had to suffer the problems of somebody else in order to relieve them of such, the most common way we have things fixed nowadays is outside of that. Safe to say that one person can only handle the moving of their own body, the least hassle is when somebody chooses on their own in comparison to you choosing for them. If it’s otherwise, well, I don’t think that’s morally considerate of either.
The last thing they tell you to be is vigilant, but that saves potential death by stove if you’re still wanting to be alive and all that. You don’t need anyone to talk to in order to figure things out, you just need to figure things out. That’s seemingly an entirely personal process in my eyes considering the amount of time you are in your own body with your own thoughts, you walk the path alright. That’s how it’s always been. You’d know best what to do after considering at length what to do. It does not start with what simply “is”, because from your perspective said things need to have meaning assigned to them in order to make use of them. They may have meaning assigned by others, you may benefit by asking around, but nothing is inherently figured out from someone simply telling you this or that. It’s always something you put together, an obvious mentioning of what things are not deciding what should be done about them, the latter is probably never universally obvious. People are always putting things together, I’m probably just wishing the focus was more on that instead of people “being together” (which, for the phrase in particular somehow means more than physical proximity when it really shouldn’t in my opinion, nothing “special” they can explain translates to nothing “special” at all). I avoid the latter to a large extent and increasingly more over time, talk is nice but it should serve practical purposes. It usually always provides better results for everyone.