I hate how people have been acting about Amanda Todd. They act like suicide is something completely new to the world. It doesn’t matter how much they bullied the deceased, once a suicide hits the news, they act like they would have given a fuck if she had told them. On Facebook, people are making pages called RIP Amanda Todd, and posting about how horrible it is, and how they bet the bullies feel like crap now. On average, someone kills themselves every 15 minutes. What about all those people?
Most suffering goes unoticed. People pay attention to these sorts of stories because they’re more appealing. Everyone will stop and devote their time and attention to AT, but few will pay any mind to the people who burn to death every day for being “witches” or homosexuals.
Nothing against AT, it was an awful thing that happened to her, but awful things happen all over the world at any given moment, most people just don’t hear about them.
not to mention all the people who feel dead but they’re still alive.
the people who make those groups don’t know what to do with themselves, that’s all. scar504 is right, too
I was put in an alternative school, which is like school jail.Had my ass beaten everyday for no reason, because I was new.Bones broken that shit, that is bullying. People coming after you for stupid decisions is not. I am NOT saying she should have offed herself, but it seems like people on this site have it much worse and have much more real problems then tits on the internet.My two cents not that its worth much
The whole point Of making a big deal of Amanda’s death is to create awareness of bullying and suicide duh… Maybe if there was more awareness, more systems in place, more program’s to target bullying, maybe people wouldn’t be suiciding every 15 mins.
In case you haven’t worked it out yet, the Facebook pages aren’t for Amanda’s benefit. She won’t get any comfort from them. Shes too busy being dead. They are to help her parents and loved ones grieve, and to create awareness of Amanda’s story.
Kindly find something constructive to complain about.
I think that she would have grown up to be a very attractive girl. Thats why the media are making such a big deal about it. If she was unattractive then it would have been ignored or forgotten about fairly quickly. It says something about the world we live in DOESN’T IT? It the same time, she was probably victimised because of peoples jealousy.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to be remembered or understood. Most of you say, you should judge people by their looks WHEN IT SUITS YOU OF COURSE.
Maybe we aren’t so different after all. Something to think about whilst sipping your beers or perhaps not.
shouldn’t i mean
I know that, but I dont think you are understanding the point of this. Bullying isn’t a cause of suicide. There are more underlying causes than anyone seems to care about or notice. What about rape? Depression? Abuse? Pain?
Then there are the side effects of those. Drug abuse. Cutting. And then of course there are the prescriptions you get, the ones that most of the time cause more cutting and depression.
And then of course, people don’t understand that you actually want to die. For some, it is a temporary problem. Others, no matter how much you try to get help, and no matter how much people try to help, you already know deep within yourself that you won’t get better. So maybe it is a permanent solution for a permanent problem.
Either way, no matter how much awareness there is for bullying and suicide, and no matter how many anti bullying programs you create, PEOPLE WILL STILL BE OUT THERE COMMITTING SUICIDE.
But it isn’t her fault that everyone is making a big deal about her…let’s not forget that.
I disagree: I think in Amanda’s case bullying was definitely the cause for suicide. She was not depressed, abused or on meds before the bullying. I agree tht for other people, all those other things can be contributing factors, but for Amanda, all problems came from the bullying.
I agree that some people will always suicide. But I disagree that awareness campaigns etc don’t have any impact. There are some people who don’t really want to die, they’re just tired of feeling alone all the time
Well she said as much didn’t she and a young mind can’t always cope with the pressure. Teens have the highest rates of suicide above any other age group
@Duke of Marmalade
Actually, the people with the highest rates of suicide are for people ages 40-59…
People ages 5-24 actually have the lowest rates of suicide…
But teen suicides do get all of the media coverage…