This website, though I havent been on for an extremely long time, has seriously made my days a bit brighter.
It’s just nice to have some people who kind of understand what I’m going through. kind of.
But still, it feels exremely good to share my feelings with people who wont judge. I wont be called an attention seeker, wont get judged, and will be talking to people who will actually listen.
To be honest, I started this because I was basicly forced to. My therapist, who has become a very good friend of mine even though I’m a teenager, said it might be good to talk out my feelings. At first I was mad because I thought she meant to my mom or friends or someone, because trust me, I’ve tried to talk to them. Then, she told me about this site. Again, I was hesitant. I thought it was completely stupid, but now, I think it is actually helping me. The people on here are actually real! They wont tell me that life will get better and I’ll be fine!
I know, I know, my views are switched, but it’s nice to see people who see the bad in life. Again, I know it sounds weird. But think about it, if you were going through the death of a best friend, would you want someone to tell you that it was all gonna be alright and just super, or have someone tell you the truth?Yeah, life is going to feel like its all crashing and burning, and yeah it’s gonna absolutely suck.
One thing my friend told me was “If the day sucks, just think, it’s a day closer to your death. Your mood on that thought will tell you where you stand in life. You just gotta dream of a better tomorrow.”
Aye, I dont wanna end my life. Im just getting started, but I have a feeling its bout to get worse. Oh well, I’ll deal with that when it comes. Also, this websire isnt like a fucking social network. You dont have “followers”. so people will actually read my posts, and I apreciate that. I still dont enjoy life all the time, but it’s getting a little better everyday.
It’s like inching forward a few centimeters every day, even though you still have to walk a mile.
Sorry, my mind is weird.
And dark.
And twisted.
But Am I alone? Im pretty sure Im not. Oh well, In summary, I think this website is helping me. There are some inspiring people on here. I seriously love you people (>^.^)>
Someone told me this site was only for depressed people.
-.-Im bopolar. I have stages. Jesus. -.-
1 comment
You’re not weird at all. It’s totally logical that you would feel comfortable talking to people who understand what you’re going through. It’s nice that your therapist is open minded enough to tell you about this site. keep up the good work.