I know there are some greens up in here that would get depressed at the slightest challenges and confrontations in life.it may be about what the other guys in school call you,it may be about a broken friendship or a missing school bag,it may be about a seperated family or a horny pervert..the truth is that when those updates are made up in here,it is because this kids has no one else or no where else to turn to.maybe they needed the mature opinion of the adult folks up in here.whom they ve come to respect and look up to.please adult sp folks if a kid come up in here and post:i want to kill myself because i farted in class.take your time to pamper him or her out of that bad state of mind and make him/her realise that things are not as bad as the look.some of em fall so deep in love and when they lose the subject of that emotion sp takes the fall..yea you may wake up tomorrow and find a post like.,.my iphone got smashed.i wAnnA DIE!!!..and yes some kid up in here might suggest getting drunk on water as a suicide method.(why would such an idiot want to die? You would think)truth of everything is that no one would suggest an attempt against his life if the matter at hand is not one that fully affects that individual.if ms m€$$¥#£@D comes in here to say kyle left me.i ll kill myself.now those posts are sometimes always short and impatient so we have little or no knowledge of who kyle is to her.so we shouldnt say.oh boy! What a post.go for it kid.dont leave the nooze hanging.we would cause more harm cus kyle might be the only thing that have kept her alive in the first place,kyle might be her last attempt at staying alive that when he s gone life for her would become unbearable.this is just my own OP about the whole grow up issue on ground.tanx.
good on you for speaking up.
Empathy also require contexualisation.
Yea, it’s about time someone said it like that!
I get really annoyed when people attempt to distinguish between ‘real’ cutters and ‘fake’ cutters, and people with real or fake eating disorders, etc.
I hate it when people say that there’s even such a thing as a ‘fake’ cutter or ‘fake’ anorexia, or ‘fake’ mental illness.
There’s no such thing as fake problems.
Cutting is cutting no matter how deep. If you only have surface scratches, it’s still cutting. It’s not fake.
If you wrote a couple paragraphs on how much you want to kill yourself, it’s not fake. You are legitimately having suicidal thoughts. And that is very, very real.
If you only starve yourself sometimes, it’s still anorexia… If you only throw up occasionally… It’s still bulimia.
It’s all very real. Everyone on this site has issues relating to suicide. It doesn’t matter if a post is less extreme than another… It’s still serious. Still suicide.
Even if people are on this site writing fake stories… It doesn’t matter. Because these people are obviously having thoughts related to suicide, whether or not it’s fictional.
Thanks for this awesome post. It’s really great that you posted this.
Most people[even kids and high school teens]find themselves in some shitty situation at school and some of this kids have nowhere to make their complains .so they come up here hoping to find the hard to get care,attention and concern,the world has denied them of.and it would take a bigheart for someone who is angry,depressed,confused and hurting to type anything reasonable.PAIN IS PAIN EITHER MINE OR YOURS
yeah i wrote that in “what happened to adults on this site”, so i obviously agree with you!
Are there “attentiion seekers” here? Ya, there are.
BUT, maybe they need attention. Maybe there head is so messed up that this is their avenue of reaching out instead of reaching for a gun or whatever.
Age does not determine if they are attention seekers. Pain is pain. And some are better able to deal with it than others. Isn’t that why we are here? Because we simply do not know how to handle our own situations?
Best wishes to ALL