For the past four years I have sporadically found myself glancing at the final option, and for the last four years I have always immediately retreated from the idea, felt I was foolish to even have considered it. Last week I woke up and took a long look at it. Might not so be terrible. No more collecting shattered expectations. No more painting on a smile. No more cursing the God who created me. It’s starting to sound rather pleasant. Nothingness, not even silence. It would be nice.
Same here. I have respect for those who have gone before me. I mean, life is compromise. I also respect those who fight on in life. But to do so seems to require an awful lot of pain and surviving deaths of those around us. A few live long because they are strong and happy. I think that most continue their struggle because of a healthy fear of death.
I’ve always been impressed by people who kill themselves. If it’s someone I feel familiar with then I am also surprised that they were suffering. My surprise fades quickly. But my awe in their bravery of the unknown and their will to die persists. That people can weigh their plight against the mystery of oblivion and choose the latter is amazing to me.
I think a lot of that “fear of death” comes from the automatic “go to hell” if one commits suicide…It’s a sick concept(Hell),but a lot more people would off themselves if they hadn’t been taught that garbage…It’s garbage,but then again,once you’ve been brainwashed with that bullshit it’s tough to shake…I mean, if there is a God,IT(not she or he) is obviously a sadist at least in part…You’re not alone with the cursing God stuff…I keep telling IT to just strike me down dead..In my sleep preferably…