This is it, I’ve decided. Â No more crying, nor more worrying, no more pain. Â No more torturing myself with “what if I just gave it a bit more time.”
Yesterday I made my final decision. Â I’ve made this decision many times before, but never could it be this final. Â `This is because I am officially at my breaking point, and I told myself I’d at least wait until this came to go through with my suicide. Â Now that I know what my breaking point feels like, I know better than to let anything stop me.
These are signs I told myself late yesterday, thank you for this wake-up call G-d I said.
What signs you may wonder? Â Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. Â Sometimes, we see them but don’t really listen to them do we.
Well, late last night something completely out-of-nowhere happened to me- long story short my Mom sabotaged me in the most sneaky way and succeeded again and we don’t even live in the same country!  And this hasn’t happened in months, how could I have possibly foreseen this and prevented it.  And just when I had started to make friends too.
So this time lesson learned, I will not ignore the signs any longer. Â G-d clearly has different plans for me, this is it world. Â I’ll be gone within a month.
After the millionth sign I finally learn my lesson. *sigh*
hows it feel right now? after having this deception done and having the resolution to go through with something like that. how do you feel about what youre about to do?
Happily married;
Don’t do it! don’t do it! don’t do it! do not put your eyes on humankind. Put your eyes right back on G-D. You are right when you wrote that He has plans for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,†declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” YOU have a future that HE has planned for you, not your mother, not yourself…G-D has planned it out for you. Are you going to steal that blessing from Him and yourself and others in your path? It is NOT G-d giving you those signs! It’s Satan’s plan to destroy you! Do not give in to his lies!!!!! Turn your face to G-D and scream out for Him to help you and He will! I promise you that! He has done so for me many times. In one month, as you plan your suicide, G-D can work in your life, give you healing and a new future. What do you say? Give G-D a chance to work in your life. I promise you will never be the same….Praying for you