I’m watching The Bridge documentary, and someone reckons they have no answer for why people commit suicide. That’s because they don’t understand tat the answer is simply that people are in too much pain to live any more. Suicide is an answer. Just because to some it’s the wrong answer, doesn’t make it not the answer. And saying “Oh I don’t know the answer to why people kill themselves”, doesn’t make the answer any less deniable. It’s right there in front of these religious goody-two-shoes if they’d choose to open their eyes. They may be caring, some of those people that is, but that’s not enough to stop someone.
LOL 🙂 Well they basically think we’re batshit cRaZy.
Healthy happy people are totally clueless as to why we want to kill ourselves. To be fair, I’m not sure if I understand healthy and happy people either. We’re on different planets.
Yeah it seems simple (loneliness, hopelessness, capability to commit suicide) but the more I’ve read, the more I’m convinced that they really CANNOT quite imagine what it’s like: to be like us.
I totally agree. It’s almost impossible for someone who’s white to understand or imagine what it would be like to be black or mexican and visa versa. It’s almost impossible for a man to understand what it’s like to be a woman and visa versa.
How then could someone who enjoys and clings to something as fundamental to being as life, understand how someone could want to die.
If people can’t understand little differences like race, gender or sexual orientation, they will never understand suicide.
And I must add, if people can’t understand suicide and people’s suicidal ideations, they have no right to make outrageous, judgmental comments about suicidal people.