He broke me down and got into my core, the capital of my heart. He happily resided in the blood of my soul, or so I thought. Unknowingly he was living in someone elses heart much more happily resided in theirs rather than mine. Caressed my mind with sweet nothings and empty words that should’ve been full of emotion. Worked into my brain and blindsided me from the signs. From the facts. I thought maybe somebody could be content and liberated with just me and no one else. Told me his fears and goals. Broke into tears full of heartbreak and confusion .. all for the game. All just to play. Created a vulnerable state of himself to break me into mine. To hurt me. To break me. I gave him my all. I gave him my heart. And for what ? For lies and hurt? Once a person I couldn’t take my eyes off of was now someone I couldn’t stand to see. His smell lingered on my clothes. On my pillow. On my skin. Bringing back visions I’d rather not foresee. I could feel his touch against my skin, the quiver in my breath. Again I felt the comfort in the silence we shared looking deep into each other. Never again. Never again ..
powerful stuff. very real. crazy how we think people are one thing and they turn out to be the opposite.
Just plainly blindsided
It’s interesting how, often, those same people who should not be trusted, are the very ones most demanding of it.
Trust no one, and be especially wary of anyone who actively pursues it.