Last night, I had a bittersweet dream…….. I wasn’t depressed and I was with my friends and family and we were having a good time. I cant remember all the details just little bits and pieces. I remember me and my old best friend were  at the beach with two girls laughing, having fun, happy, smiling, and enjoying the time. when I awoke this morning and realized I was still here and that I had been dreaming it felt like I had been punched in the heart. To come back to reality and realize none of those things happened is devastating. I wish I could be put in a coma for the rest of my life and just live the rest of my life in my dreams and never wake up to this shit again.
I find that the best part of my 24 hour day is at when I’m having good dreams. Then I wake up and reality sets in once again.
the hardest things to do is to keep waking up and realizing you still exist in this bullshit especially after dreaming that reality was different