I think what I need to do is just get away from my family for a while. We are truly messed up and dysfunctional. It’s like my adoptive parents go out of their way to get kids with disorders and mental problems. Maybe they really are kind hearted people and try to help kids like that…. but what do I know? All I can say for sure is that on our house alone we have a kleptomaniac with anxiety, an addict with depression and a shitload of other shit, a girl who has a sailors mouth(who I personally think is a sociopath…seriously), and two other normal people. Four of us are adopted and one of the normal ones is their flesh and blood. I seem to be put in a lot of bad houses. That’s why I’ve ran away twice. I know, it’s all very Hotel-For-Dogs-ish, but What the hell am I supposed to do? Wait for the storm to pass? Sorry, but hell no. I think I had pretty good reason to leave my previous house though. Won’t bother to bore you though.
I just want to get away from my family. That’s why I’m staying with my friend for the week. We’re going to the Lake of the Ozarks. I’m excited except for the fact that I have to deal with her older brother. He’s one of the most beautiful people…until you get to know him. Â He is THE most arrogant, selfish, pigheaded, asshole int eh ENTIRE world. He was the kid that called me fat, a mutt, and he came up with the nickname Popper for me. To say that I want to kill him is an understatement. I would actually buy my own bear just so it would maul him. I wish I were joking. And all of a sudden he acts like a fucking saint after he read one of my posts on here. He found out because I left my laptop open. Well you know, now he’s a saint because he feels sorry for me. People tell me to embrace his new found kindness, but I know it’s a fucking act. He just doesn’t want a finger pointed at him when I kill myself. Him becoming nice is like the devil becoming an angel.
The moral of the story is that family is often times fucked up and that you should NEVER leave your laptop open on a suicidal page.
I think you should give him half a chance.
I have always forgiven the people that harm me. I know I might seem like I’m a well put together slice of life, but really I’m just a short lowly rough neck. People have never treated me fairly. But when a person shows that they are trying to change for the better, I think it’s important to let them express themselves. Don’t kiss his ass or anything like that, just don’t cancel out his new found sensitivity. And don’t fall for any tricks. Just acknowledge him from a safe distance. Because if you shut him down to his new approach, he might go back to treating you even worse after the rejection. He will think his “change” isn’t being appreciated and he will act the prick again.
Hope that helps! Have fun at the lake! 🙂
The more “needs” an adoptive child has the bigger the check… I don’t know your adoptive parents maybe they are just saints but chances are they want the bigger payday…You may be right about the older brother who knows it seems like he is taking pity on you or maybe he genuinely had a change of heart from reading your feelings… Sometimes people don’t realize that words can hurt just as much if not more than “sticks and stones”. Give him time if the old behavior continues then you know he was just putting on a charade …you know what they say “a pig with lipstick on is still a pig”
is that even legal? it seems rather dangerous just to throw a whole bunch of dysfunctional kids into one household like that……..
is that even legal? it seems rather dangerous just to throw a whole bunch of dysfunctional kids into one household like that……..
is that even legal? it seems rather dangerous just to throw a whole bunch of dysfunctional kids into one household like that……..
I don’t know. It happened here. I think the only reason we know is because my parents actually spent the money to get us tested extensively.
Lol I liked the way you said ‘The’ family hahah
Lol your cool and a really good writer,You vould tell your intellugant