im aaaaaaaalllllllllll alone with rare health problems and bipolar. aaaaalllllllll alone. hopeless and poooor. cant have kids, no sex drive, ED, tired. Went to college and poor. im black. did i mention i was poor? aaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll alone. no sex drive. low testosterone. bipolar. cant keep a job. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll alone. no woman for me. im crazy. i wont live life anymore in a sick mind and broken body. i hate being black. im gonna die
Well, er – I just picked up on your racial slur against self. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being black unless you are supposed to be an albino fennec fox, then I’d be worried. But please don’t let.that effect you. It doesn’t define anything on the inside. On the outside . .. who the hell said anything was wrong with it? Well something is wrong with them then. Sex is nice. But it doesn’t always make up life. Constitute the activity with something else pleasurable. Regarding what I’ve read of you, there isn’t a thing about you that deserves death. Best of luck 🙂
Thanks StruggleOn.
I don’t find it too fun being latin or hispanic whatever people want to call it. Its especially not fun having people try to figure out “what” I am. People think I just escaped from mexico or something and I’m not even mexican! And if you don’t “look” like you’re hispanic you are praised as if you’re a god. People are always trying to make me feel different. I was fucking born here leave me the fuck alone. Once when I was 16 the driving instructor asked if I spoke english when I hadn’t even said one word and I don’t have an accent. And I had this acquaitance who would like compare her skin to mine it was so annoying. I get annoyed when people assume I speak spanish. Its pathetic I know but I just wish I looked like everyone else. I hate attention in any form.
Oh I hate that, all my life people have played the guessing game of “what kind if Asian is Koji?”.
paingoaway, am mixed-race and grew up in truly diverse situations and honestly fed up the racial hangups in our society. Grew up with fairly racist, xenophobic white family members who just don’t understand the deal with growing up non-white and having internalized racism from ethnocentric white people to the extent where you just don’t want to deal with being ethnic and dealing with their ignorance and racial/ethnic assumptions/hangups/axe-grinding. They just don’t understand how it can often just be easier to be white, and they can just be daft individuals overall.
I’ve got major bipolar and know how rough it is; hang in there.
Thank you very much 77nearlyheaven. I am trying to be strong. Thanks everyone. Im not leaving without a fight!