it all started about 8 months ago, recently I had noticed that things got to me alot and they got to me pretty easy. One day, my family were putting me down and they always would compare me to other people, this made me want to just cry. My family relatives would either not notice me or they would just ignore me, they always got annoyed at me if I didn’t socialise with my family but when I tried I got nothing back they would say they were “disappointed” in me and not really care. I was sitting in the bath and as I looked I saw scissors, before I knew it my thighs were covered in cuts and blood was running down me. Ever since then my feelings have got stronger and ihave got worse, but I don’t know what to do I’m alone
1 comment
u are not alone, there will be a person who is just for u…
all u have to do is just to wait..
be happy