Life itself is meaningless.. no real reason to try.. at anything, even goals set in strive…. plummet like an insignificant shirker…
Ugh… the joys of yesterdays tainted upon tomorrow’s dread..
A life lived in agony and deceit..
No real reason for posting.. possibly the inevitable delay in death which isnt of my own hands… if only… such strength would allow me.. yet ties to this forsaken earth keep me from spreading the wings of death
What real point do I have here?
There isnt one… take it in strife and do not reply but yet grant me the serenity to express that which needs forclosure… that which is this life………
“Meh im not looking for a response.. only a chance to vent… it seems what i live for.. songwriting.. isnt getting the job done…lack of talent maybe… just wish I could pull things together, otherwise my life is useless….