I know as a parent you should never just want to kill yourself because it’s selfish but I feel as a parent it would be better for my 5 week old daughter. I’m 18 and I’m alone . The boy that I was supposed to marry cheated on me so I broke up and for a while we lived in the same town and despite the fact he cheated on me physically abused me while I was pregnant with her and emotionally abused me I wanted to work it out for her and then he would call me high and drunk and stalk me and threaten to kill me and my daughter . Him and I can never get along for a day because the games he plays or he lies to me. I feel so low. I feel like a terrible parent because I’m her only parent and never wanna be with her. I don’t know what to do . My own mom makes me feel like that and honestly I just feel worthless . I really just want to die.
Could you be suffering from post partum depression a bit? Something to talk to your dr about perhaps.
Ya you’re right, it wasn’t her abusive bf making her miserable and suicide, it’s the ‘post-partum depression.’ facepalm
I didn’t say she was not miserable for other reasons. However she said she never wants to be with the baby and that’s a huge sign for post partum depression. There’s lots of reasons someone can be miserable, and at least if this is part of her problem it can be treated.
So take your rude attitude and shove it.
She made it very clear that she’s suicidal because of her abusive bf-she went into great detail explaining that and you come out with a cockamamie theory about post-partum depression, as if none of the other details/facts she gave had no consequence.
If you’re going to make an idiotic observation, don’t get defensive and obnoxious because people call you on it. You’d look better if you tried to explain why you made such stupid suggestion in the first place than to retaliate.
She obviously doesn’t want to be around her kid because of the miserable state she’s in, not because of post-partum depression, or she would’ve said it herself. Durrr.
You obviously missed the part where I said there can be lots of reasons for ones depression. Furthermore, if post partum is part of it she can get help. That’s what we do here at SP help each other. Other advice. Listen. Provide support. You had no business being rude about my post. If you can’t say something nice than do us all a favour and fuck off.
Your newborn baby already has one terrible parent who obviously values other things more than his child. You want to better yourself for your child seek help from your doctor and even mom let someone know how you feel but don’t consider suicide ever. BECAUSE A DAUGHTER WITH A MOTHER WHO COMMITED SUICIDE ..well that would be the toughest thing to put her through and just like us your on this website to share your life and well just vent. But as a mother you would never want suicide to lead your daughter to a site like this. So don’t leave her be strong like i know you must be for dealing with that terrible boyfriend and help your daughter.
I used to look at young mothers like you in a bad light…and sometimes it is the girl’s fault for not listening to the better advice of her parents and close friends.
However I feel for the most part we let our daughters down. Maybe you had no one to tell you it’s a terrible thing to do to have kids at a young age. Maybe no one warned you about this asshole you got involved with.
I remember one high school girl, friend of my sister who was very attractive-she had a kid with a guy who was very abusive towards her, even in public. He was very muscular/well-built, I actually intervened to try to save her but it was a temporary fix. I think they ended up staying together after. It’s a sad thing to see someone beautiful ending crying all the time because she’s being abused.
Anyways for the sake of yourself and your child you should get rid of the scumbag and just try to raise the kid on your own or find a better man who can help you. It’s hard enough raising children (I have nieces/nephews so I understand), let alone doing it when the father is a piece of shit. Sue that loser for alimony and then get him out of your life, good luck.
She doesnt have postpartum depression! Shes being ABUSED
Girl.. get away from that monster for christsakes!!
If you’re being treated like you’re worthless, like even basic human rights cannot be observed then get out…fast as you can go. I hope it works out ok for you.
There are places you can go to get away from all the abuse. Look for local women’s shelters in your area.. they can help you and your little one. They offer lots of help for single mothers. They may also help you find a place to live for the time being. I’m no doctor but Whisper could be right. You may also be suffering from postpartum depression..I don’t know but anyone who wants to kill themselves is depressed either way you look at it. I would definitely look at what your state can offer you so you can get out of the situation you’re in.