there’s a different kind of tired
not the kind when you haven’t slept
or you’ve run two miles
or you haven’t eaten in hours
it’s the kind you can feel
behind your eyes
your neck
your shoulders
your chest
your knees
when you’ve just had enough of being knocked down by it all
and the only cure is sleep
but not even that cures
because you know when you wake
you’ll be tired all over again
so you just drift through everything
Yeah. Sometimes we feel like that. Sucky isn’t it? Sleep cures most things, but not feelings like this. It is okay. Tired people like us seek warmth and love. I know how you feel.
If you don’t feel like sleeping, find a hobby. Surround yourself with people you are comfortable with and occupy yourself. Keep your mind occupied. It helps. So that once you reach home, you’d just sleep. It’s temporary, but it helps.
Luv this!
First poem I’ve ever written. Never been much of a writer, so it was kinda shocking to me that I was able to actually get my thoughts out in poetry form, and that it wasn’t terrible. Thanks!