I guess I’m writing this more for myself than anybody else…it just breaks my heart sometimes knowing that the one place you thought where you will be understood and not judged can also be infiltrated by people who cannot do the former and do the latter. I mean this place, our SP community, is a place to share our stories not just about having done it, attempted it and survived it but also having contemplated and/or contemplating it. Contemplating it meaning thinking about it…wondering why do we feel the need to end it? What is going on in our lives? Why must we hold on or not hold on? So, of course, people vent, people let it out. For some, this is the only place where they can get outside their head and have someone listen. This place is supposed to be our refuge. For me, no one needs to defend the reason why they use the site. It’s for all of us to give each other the benefit of the doubt that we all are undergoing things in our lives which make us want to end it. No one needs to prove that they do intend to die right here, right now. Why do we need to know that for certain? I may be alone in this, but it saddens me that no place is completely safe…I know that now…Sorry for venting.
It’s safe enough here. I have had a ton of people take care of me when things started to get frightening, or that were there when I needed to vent. A few bad apples mean nothing if you can do anything to make depression go away for a bit.
yeah, i guess you’re right. it is safe enough here, but i just get frustrated sometimes reading some of the entries here, you know? anyway your perspectives are always refreshing to me. thanks, deathy058.
Well, there are trolls afoot in these pages.
You just reply to people on here when you can, trying to shine a little light into a dim situation. Not everyone appreciates the venting minus suicidal tendencies here, but I believe that depression/mental illness should be talked about here. Not all of us can afford a counselor…
I apologize for my comment earlier. it did come across as if i was judging for the use of the site of you have to be THIS messed up to vent here or feel accepted here. My bad. This site is welcome to one and all–vagabonds and sojourners. Magellans on a personal journey of self discovery or destruction.
i apologize, as well. and i appreciate you recognizing why i had to write this. i admit i am overly sensitive about this topic. but i’m glad that you do feel that everyone should be and feel welcome here. as you can tell, SP is important to me so…yeah, thanks killswitchon.
no worries!
There is nowhere ‘safe’ on this planet, if by safe you mean free of arseholes and morons.
You simply have to accept that you cannot survive if you take everybody’s opinions and comments to heart.
You have to be less sensitive if you wish to survive in any reasonable state. Ask yourself, what is the value of the opinion/comment of some moron who doesn’t even know you? It’s just background noise. Filter it out.
i do agree with you that i am too sensitive, it’s one of my many problems.i just reacted.i wrote about it to get it the feelings out of my system.but i’m going to try to toughen up more and just filter stuff out in the future.thanks, a bridge too far.
By and large, the people on here are decent and nice. Some have a slightly twisted sense of humour, which is sometimes a coping mechanism, but the real arseholes are few and far between.