i realized i am not alone with my slightly suicidal feelings, loneliness, and sadness. If worst comes to worst and there is no afterlife, at least there is peace at the end right? And if there is a heaven, I think God would open his arms after us suffering so greatly. its rough, but hey, thats the truth. last year i dealt with some pretty rough stuff, and i hope it may get better. I learned alot about my illness, and realize there are many others out there with things, and are too poor to have them fixed. i feel better than i did last year, but at the same time, im scared, because i dont have many friends, and i dont want to live a lonely life. Im just venting right now. but at least the good about this life, is that it is temporary, and even loneliness cant outlast the end of ones life. Whether that brings just nothing more, or it brings heaven, right? im just venting right now
1 comment
Vent away! I wrote a lot, so take what works and leave the rest. haa :p
I am often lonely too. I feel so isolated… living alone, having few close friends. But I am learning! I used to wonder why I couldn’t make good friends. I was friendly. I shared with co-workers and other people.
And let me tell you, the feeling I couldn’t make friends was so ingrained I didn’t realize I was thinking it. It was just TRUE (though it is not for me, not for anyone)
But I learned three things:
1. Read someplace recently that people like you better, the more they TELL you about themselves. That makes sense! You are listening to them. Ask people questions + listen = friend 😉
2. Find people with like-interests. Join meetup.com groups (for years I kept meaning to do this…finally this year I went to a Christmas party at the leader’s home of the Meetup group!
3. Find casual friends first, don’t worry about the best friend, girl/boyfriend first. Yes, we need meaningful relationships. But if you meet people at group activities or volunteer situations over and over, you’ll make stronger connections with some, not so much of others. Have to keep trying until you match.
I wish I had known this when I was young! But glad to know now. I wish you the best. 🙂