You know, I’ve always been quiet; I don’t get heard because I’ve never said a word that I thought people might actually listen to.
You know, I’ve always been forgettable; I blend into walls and make myself small, and people don’t often even see me– they believe what they want to believe and I get lost in the mystery of who are we talking about?
You know, I’ve always been gentle; no one gets hurt because the only pain that lurks around me gets buried in laughs and pulled-down shirts, because no one besides me deserves to gain new scars.
You know, I’ve always been a coward; I’d like to say that I’m brave and strong but really all along I’ve been hiding, biding my time and serving up lines that maybe just maybe won’t leave me with only me myself and I.
You know, I’ve always been here; I think now I just want to go.
here, you will not be forgettable.
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing, but thank you for the reassurance.
it’s funny that you say you’re forgettable, I remember you from when, 2012 i’m pretty sure? 2013 at latest, a long time ago and your user still sticks with me 🙂 I used to “stalk” your posts actually because we were the same age and yours were very well written. best of luck
Oh. I don’t even really remember me from so long ago– things get fuzzy very quickly up in la la land.
I guess we’ve both gotten a little older. I hope things get better for you as time marches on.
yeah right – like I make myself as small as possible and yet they always find me no matter how much I do for them – and criticize. I cant deal with their shit anymore. I dig what you are saying. Age aint a factor
I’m sorry to hear that people are after you. I don’t have anything particularly useful to say, but anyone that takes and demands better/more is worth approximately nothing. I hope eventually you don’t need to be small.