“So what if you get depressed? everyone gets depressed you know. Don’t be so over dramatic”. Well, F*ck you. Don’t take depression too lightly my dear. It is one of a fucking hell. You think this is easy? NO IT’S NOT *****. You think getting depressed is normal? you think it’s just like “oh I’m sad.” then later “Oh I’m happy” ? NO IT’S NOT. You don’t know anything. You think I’m stupid for being dramatic? You think this is dumb? Wow. Just wow. I want to kill you by just saying that. Depression is savage af. Depression is hell and you can’t escape from it…
It irritates me too, when people understand NOTHING about depression, yet they’re still judgmental about it.
Like you said, they think it’s just a passing mood we can “fix” if we just try hard enough.
Doesn’t work that way.
But so many people don’t get it.
SO many people have such ignorant attitudes about depression.
Most people don’t have a clue how to fight depression, and don’t know what to say, bothers me too! they like to think they are smart by putting you down, next time someone talks to you like that tell them, I guess your right because if i looked like you and was an asshole like you i’d want to kill myself and your still alive! 🙂 and walk away.
This is why I keep my mouth shut about it until I get on here. Cause you guys understand what it’s like to feel utterly hopeless. People that don’t suffer like we do could never understand.
Keep fighting the battle. Hopefully one day living or dead we’ll all find what were looking for
I’ve experienced something very similar from my so called friends. They say just pull yourself out of it or just turn it off, not even realizing or knowing that if I could I would. Do they think I like being in a hopeless pit? I showed one friend the cuts and told him that to do it right they have to be long and slow, to inflict the most physical pain. It is the only way to stop the emotional pain. He’s commented I don’t know how you can do it. I’ve told him the emotional pain hurts worse.
I pray to God every night to please let this be the last night.
To all out there that are suffering, may you find peace and happiness one day.